Auntie Monica


I have a dear old auntie, Auntie Monica (clapping hands to the beat)

And when she goes shopping, they all say Ooh La La! (throw hands up)

Verse 1: (swing arms to imitate hat swinging)

And so her hat is swinging, her hat is swinging so.

And so her hat is swinging, her hat is swinging so.

(go to refrain)

Verse 2: (swing arm to imitate feather)

And so her feather’s swinging, her feather’s swinging so.

And so her feather’s swinging, her feather’s swinging so.

(go to Verse 1, then refrain)

Verse 3: (swing arms with hands together in front)

And so her muff is swinging, her muff is swinging so.

And so her muff is swinging, her muff is swinging so.

(go to Verse 2, then Verse 1, then refrain)

Verse 4: (swing arms in front like a skirt)

And so her skirt is swinging, her skirt is swinging so.

And so her skirt is swinging, her skirt is swinging so.

(go to Verse 3, then Verse 2, then Verse 1, then refrain)

Verse 5: (wiggle back and forth)

And so my auntie’s swinging, my auntie’s swinging so.

And so my auntie’s swinging, my auntie’s swinging so.

(go to Verse 4, then Verse 3, then Verse 2, then Verse 1, then refrain)

Auantie Monica.mp3