Dr. Knickerbocker

(stand in a circle and clap hands, then clap hands of neighbors)

Dr. Knickerbocker, Knickerbocker, number nine.

He sure got hip on the company line

Now let’s get the rhythm of the hands. (clap, clap)

Now we’ve got the rhythm of the hands. (clap, clap)

Now let’s get the rhythm of the feet. (stomp, stomp)

Now we’ve got the rhythm of the feet (stomp, stomp)

Now let’s get the rhythm of the eyes (roll eyes twice)

Now we’ve got the rhythm of the eyes (roll eyes twice)

Now let’s get the rhythm of the hips (bump hips twice)

Now we’ve got the rhythm of the hips (bumb hips twice)

Now let’s get the rhythm of the Number Five.

(go around circle counting to 100 by 5’s)

Five, ten, fifteen,…….ninety, ninety-five, one-hundred.

(person who says one-hundred sits out next round)