Herman the Worm
I was sittin’ on a fence post
Chewin’ my bubble gum Chomp! Chomp! Chomp! *make chewing sound*
Playin’ with my yo-yo DOO AP DOO AP *play with imaginary yo-yo*
Listenin’ to my Sony doo doo doo doo doo *listen to imaginary headphones*
And along came Herman the worm and he was THIS BIG *hold hands increasingly far apart each time*
I said, “Herman! What’s up wicha man?!”
And he said, “I ate my sister!”
And he said, “I ate my brother!”
And he said, “I ate my mom!”
And he said, “I ate my dad!”
I was sittin’ on my fence post
Chewin’ my bubble gum Chomp! Chomp! Chomp! *make chewing sound*
Playin’ with my yo-yo DOO AP DOO AP *play with imaginary yo-yo*
Listenin’ to my Sony doo doo doo doo doo *listen to imaginary headphones*
And along came Herman the worm and he was THIS BIG *hold hands close together*
And I said, “Herman! What’s up wicha man?”
And he said, “I burped!”